It’s the holiday season and there are two types of people! The ones who set up in September and those who avoid it until they can’t anymore. But, there’s definitely a theme within the creative entrepreneurial community, and that is: burnout.

This time of year it’s extremely easy to become overworked and overstimulated, almost to the point of paralysis. This can be for a multitude of reasons, but it seems like the world tends to creep in and take over.
There are ways however to make sure that you don’t feel like you got hit by Santa’s sleigh and in fact, find some joy within the season. Here are my top 5 tips on surviving the holidays as a creative entrepreneur!

Rule Numero Uno: For God’s sake, set some boundaries!
So I know you’re saying, “Yeah ok, you don’t know my life. I have so many things….”! Hear me out, the more boundaries you can set and adhere to, the more productive you will be. Knowing what is ok, and what is not, makes a difference. It keeps you from overbooking, but also allows you to build trust and appreciation for and in yourself.

If your struggle is family, play on the side of ignorance and confrontation dissipation. Everyone loves to push during this time of year, so don’t let them. It’s not a sin to turn your phone off. If you’re struggling to find balance in your business because of a lack of boundaries, step back. Take a breath and get organized. Use your focus time wisely to clean up loose ends whenever possible. This will keep you from becoming overstimulated and helps foster further creativity.
Rule Number 2: Take care of yourself to the best of your ability.
If you’re reading this, and you’re a creative entrepreneur, I will bet money you need two things: sleep & water. The old saying is certainly true during the holidays: “I was tired of working full time, so I quit my job, and now I work 24/7!” Take a break.

It’s a well-known fact that undue stress can be harmful. Especially when we don’t do anything to combat the physical toll it can take on our bodies. If you’re having issues drinking enough water, drink a Body Armor or coconut water. Take the nap and allow your brain to process and unpack. You’ll be clearer-headed and be more productive when you allow yourself nutrition and rest.
Rule Number 3: Leave the guilt at the door, and stop apologizing.
Most likely you became an entrepreneur because you found something to love. Now transfer that love onto yourself. Don’t apologize for taking care of yourself. Sure, if something is late and it’s your fault, it’s always good customer service and manners to apologize. But we’re talking about the “sorry I was sleeping” or “sorry I was having a bad day” kinda stuff.

Be yourself and honor your process as a creative. Don’t let people bully you into the capitalistic view that you’re alive to work. You are alive for yourself and for your love. It’s ok to say no, and feel good about it.
Rule Number 4: Plan everything you can within your business.
Want a way to avoid guilt, take personal time, and know when to stop? Plan. Although it’s tedious and hella annoying, especially when your planner is straight side-eyeing you from across the room, do it anyways. Set time aside to get your life into some sort of order. We’re not trying to control the god of chaos, but at least let’s keep him on the pages of the calendar.

Also! Bonus tip: I created a productivity Trello template geared towards creative and ADHD entrepreneurs! Grab it for free here: The Neurodivergent Productivity Planner.
Finally, Number 5: Don’t Force It. Focus On What Matters.
A wise womxn learns to pick and choose their battles. If there’s something or someone fighting you, let it go. What will be will be, and five years from now when you’re enjoying Mai Tais on the beach, you most likely won’t even remember it. Choose to spend your time and energy wisely, especially during this time.

Focus on what’s important for you. Each person is going to have a different style of hierarchy on their goal list, so write down what you feel is the most valuable use of your time.
Remember, at the heart of it, the end of the year is supposed to be a time when we prepare to move into the future. Profoundly and positively. Do your best to keep your peace, and find joy in your daily life. Also, remember everyone is crazy during this time of year, so there’s that. LOL

Wishing you and yours a joyous yuletide season. May all of your celebrations honor yourself and your traditions,
About the author -
Jupiter Jones - Marketing Educator & PR Consultant w/Boutique Brands Inc

Jupiter has been a part of the Mermaid Trash family for an extended period of time. As one of Lauren's closest friends, she has been a valuable asset to the Mermaid Trash brand. From social strategy to email marketing, and more, Jupiter loves to play behind the scenes helping to make sure marketing and growth moves at a rapid, yet comfortable pace.
Read her bio below:
"Coming from an eclectic background of technology and real-world experiences, I have spent over a decade curating, refining, and adapting not only my skill set but also my reality to ensure balance and compassion are always observed. I highly enjoy taking on obstacles and using both data and intuition to gravitate and execute projects to their most favorable outcome. To me, growth is continuous and methodical and must be observed as a moving target.
I have experience in a multitude of subjects ranging in social media, web development, and other online marketing practices. On a personal level, I have come from a somewhat untraditional background that would include not only living on the road working renaissance fairs but also making nearly every single AirTran truffle ever served on the airline.
My job is to help other creative entrepreneurs achieve the level of success that always seems to favor the bold. No matter where you are in your journey, Boutique Brands Inc is here to cheer you on, and provide the tools you've been missing to make your dream a reality.
Through life experiences, I live to tell a story."
Article exclusively written for and posted on Mermaid Trash - 12/2021